About Us
Our Mission
To advocate for, educate, and assist our target populations
Our Target Populations
Our services address the needs of many different people, but we continue to target our services to older adults and persons with disabilities.
Our Vision
Effective solutions that improve quality of life involving:
Economic Security,
Legal Resolutions, and
Much-needed Peace of Mind
Who We Are
Elder Law of Michigan, Inc. (ELM), a 501(c)(3), is a nonprofit charitable organization that promotes and protects the rights, health, and economic well-being of older adults and people with disabilities by providing information, advocacy, and professional services. We want individuals and their caregivers to be able to make one call for help -- 866.400.9164 -- to Elder Law of Michigan!
Elder Law of Michigan, Inc. was incorporated in 1990 and has provided award-winning programs and services for 25 years. An all volunteer Board of Directors provides governance to the organization. Our management team has a combined 80 years experience in managing and serving nonprofit organizations.