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Jennifer Blanck

Jennifer Blanck

MiCAFE Network Call Center Senior Specialist


Jennifer Blanck is a MiCAFE Network Coordinator at Elder Law of Michigan. She has been with Elder Law of Michigan since September 2014. 


Jennifer attended Lansing Community College for two years to study foreign language and is fluent in Spanish. 


Since working at Elder Law of Michigan, Jennifer has handled our Tax & Insurance line, HECM line, Non-Case referral line, and MiCAFE line. She helps clients apply for benefits through the Department of Health and Human Services and helps find resources for clients with needs that cannot be met by one of our programs. Prior to working at Elder Law of Michigan, she worked at an automotive factory for several years.


Jennifer is an assistant senior high youth group leader at her church as well running the small children’s program. She has been on many mission trips and retreats where she has broadened her mind and heart to the world around her.

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